28 Mar 2014 Paris (France)


The launching of the European Women Researchers Day will take place on 28 March 2014, with events being held at the National Center for Scientific Research, France and the University of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iasi, Romania. Partner organisations will join the events on site and via videoconferences and the internet.

The objective of this first edition of the European Women Researchers Day is to contribute to the career development of women researchers by providing them with role models and by creating an international context for exchange of good practice and networking.  The focus will be on providing career development information and examples of women researchers’ career paths. The activities that will take place were identified based on the baseline data analysis carried out by organisations, and thus respond to needs expressed by women researchers.

The European Women Researchers Day 2014 brings together institutions involved in European Union FP7-funded projects on the promotion of Gender Equality through structural change, participating in joint activities and working towards a common statement.

2014 Organising Committee:

-          Prof. Doina Balahur, University of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza », Iasi, Romania

-          Dr. Anne Pépin, Mission for the Place of Women, CNRS

-          Andreea Dumitrascu, Mission for the Place of Women, CNRS – INTEGER Project

2014 Participating Institutions are:

  • National Center for Scientific Research, France (Organizer)
  • University of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iasi, Romania (Organizer)
  • Siauliai University, Lithuania
  • Paris 7-Denis Diderot University, France
  • Paris 5-Descartes University, France
  • Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne University

Please see all the details in English on the dedicated website: www.womenresearchersday.eu



Please see a description of the activities taking place on the Sessions page. 


Contact and registration

For activities taking part at CNRS, please go to the Registration page. You will need to create a Scienceconf account, if you do not have one yet. It only takes two minutes. 

Please make sure to choose the sessions you will be attending and let us know about your expectations.

For any other information, contact

Andreea Dumitrascu

European Project Manager - INTEGER Project, CNRS


+33 (0)1 44 96 44 05

An European action

In the framework of the INTEGER Project



With the support of the European Union and the 7th Framework Programme

UE               7PCRD

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